Szabó Máté
Máté Szabó (1956) is a professor of political science of the University Eötvös Loránd, Faculty of State and Law, Institute of the Political Science, Budapest, Hungary. He was a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen, Mainz and Frankfurt an der Oder in Germany, and was a visiting fellow of the Netherlands Institute of the Advanced Studies, Wassenaar, and of the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Guest professor in Hamburg (Germany), Tampere (Finland), Taipei (Taiwan) at the departements of political science. He is specialized in civil society, social movements and political protest and theory of law and politics as well.
He published more than 300 scientific contribution in Hungarian, English and German. 2007-2013 he was elected as ombudsman of Hungary, parliamentary commissioner for human rights for six year. His term terminated at 2013 October, since he is a professor of political science at the Eötvös Loránd University of State and Law again. He was fellow of IASK in Kőszeg 2014, and he is a fellow recently, (01.04-01.07.2017.) doing research on civil society and democratic transition in Taiwan and in Hungary.”